During this Virus War time in our lives, it certainly brings out the need to reflect and dream of better times to come. We are right there with you.
Right now, we are following the instructions of what our Canadian + Provincial government are stating. We are self isolating for 2 weeks and keeping in touch online.
When the time comes, we will open up the studio again, inviting you in for portraits, meetings, and engagement sessions. We really can not wait for that time in our lives again.
It does remind me, just how precious and important our photographic memories are. We know you have been watching the news, tuning into Netflix to escape it all, cooking, maybe even playing video games, apparently the internet is blowing up, as we are all hunkering down.

If you are wondering what else to do with your time at home during these difficult times, why not look back at happier times and start creating the wedding album you’ve been meaning to get to.

#1. If your wedding photos are no longer online, and you would like me to put them back up, I am waiving the $150 fee to put them back up for this for the next 2 weeks that we are in self isolation.
#2. We suggest a final 75 photos for a 30 page album. You will be able to easily “ heart “ 100-200 online. (I know culling it down is difficult for you!) But, it is my specialty, so if you can get it down to 200, I will do my magic and create the layouts for you. The “hearted” photos you select online will be visible for me to download on my end.

#3. I will put together the layouts by the next day max..sometimes same day, if you can get it to me by the morning. We use a very intuitive software that allows you to make your comments and changes directly on the album. You will be able to view it right on your iPad or computer.
#4. Once approved. The album is digitally sent to our labs in Toronto. They will drop ship it direct to your doors within 3 weeks!

Please DM me, and share this message! Let’s get you the wedding album of your dreams, along with those parent albums you’ve been meaning to get to.
Let’s do this!