Thank-you! CTV Montreal for interviewing me on behalf of our team from Operation Rainbow MTL. We’ve been supporting our front line workers with nourishing meals, drinks, sweets, shields, masks, visors, additional PPE material + Therapy since April 1st. If you would like to join our team + donate, please DM me. We’re in this together! Community is everything.
Please Click here to read the CTV interview:
Please Click here to donate:
Founder: Shannon Bienvenue began this incredible project under Girls Living Out Loud Mtl. I was so honoured to partner on this, along with DECARIE MOTORS, West Island Therapy and Wellness Centre Juliette & Chocolat Cameo Collection Altitude Connections Donnabella Dose Of Happy Le Pois Penche International Visual Corporation IVC, BEVO Bar + Pizzeria What’s Up Montreal? Copper Branch Copper Branch Fever-Tree ADGdesign Les Midis Santé